HTMLy v1.0 released!

Updated 09 Juli 2024 Dan Projects


Setelah selama hampir 2 bulan aktif dikembangkan akhirnya versi stabil dari HTMLy sudah dirilis (versi 1.0). Sekilas tentang blogging platform ini:

HTMLy is an open source databaseless blogging platform prioritizing simplicity and speed.

Berikut adalah fitur-fitur dari HTMLy pada rilis perdananya:

  • Admin panel
  • Markdown editor with live preview
  • Categorization with tags (multi tags support)
  • Static pages Eg. for contact page
  • Meta canonical, description, and rich snippets for SEO
  • Pagination
  • Author page
  • Multi author support
  • Social links
  • Disqus Commenting System
  • Google Analytics
  • Built-in search
  • Related posts
  • Per post navigation (previous and next post)
  • Body class for easy theming
  • Breadcrumb
  • Archive page (by year, year-month, or year-month-day)
  • OPML
  • RSS Feed
  • Sitemap.xml
  • Archive and tag cloud widget
  • SEO friendly URL
  • Teaser thumbnail for images and Youtube videos
  • Responsive design

Bagi kalian yang tertarik untuk mencobanya bisa mendownloadnya langsung melalui Github.

Published: 01 Februari 2014

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